Social Media and Car Accidents

Social Media and Car AccidentsIn today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us to friends, family, and the wider world with just a few taps on our screens. In the aftermath of a car accident, many people’s first instinct is to reach for their phones and post about the incident on social media.

While sharing experiences online can provide a sense of connection and support, it’s crucial to understand the potential legal and personal repercussions of this action. Posting about a car accident on social media can inadvertently impact insurance claims, legal proceedings, and personal privacy.

Can a social media post be used against me during a lawsuit?

Yes, a social media post can be used against you during a car accident lawsuit. Here are some ways this might happen:

  • Admissions of fault: If you posted anything admitting fault or apologizing for the accident, it can be used as evidence of liability.
  • Contradictory statements: Posts that contradict your statements to the police, insurance companies, or in court can undermine your credibility.
  • Emotional distress claims: Posts that show you are enjoying life or participating in social activities might be used to argue against claims of emotional distress.
  • Exculpatory evidence: Social media posts can be used as evidence by opposing counsel to undermine your claims.
  • Injury claims: If you are claiming serious injuries but post pictures or updates showing you engaging in physical activities that suggest otherwise, it can weaken your case.
  • Insurance complications: Insurers might use the information in your posts to deny or reduce your claim due to perceived exaggerations or contradictions.
  • Timeline irregularities: Posts can be used to establish a timeline of events that could contradict your version of the accident.

Be mindful of what you post on social media, especially when involved in litigation. Even seemingly benign posts can be taken out of context and used against you.

What should I do or not do (related to social media activity) after an accident?

After an accident, your social media activity can significantly impact any legal or insurance claims you might be involved in. Here are some do’s and don’ts:


  • Adjust your privacy settings: Ensure your social media accounts are set to private so only approved friends and family can see your posts.
  • Back up your data. Create backups of your social media activity, especially if instructed by your attorney to ensure that you are preserving evidence appropriately.
  • Be cautious: If you post anything, be mindful of what you share. Assume that anything you post could be used as evidence.
  • Follow your lawyer’s advice: If you have legal representation, follow their guidance on what to post and what to avoid. Tell your lawyer about your social media activity and follow their advice.
  • Inform close contacts: Let close friends and family know about the accident and that you’re avoiding social media discussions about it.
  • Keep records offline: Keep records and documentation of the accident offline. Take notes, and photos, and gather witness statements, but do not post these on social media.
  • Limit your online activity: After an accident, it’s generally best to limit or avoid social media if possible.


  • Accept new friend requests: Be wary of accepting friend requests from people you don’t know. They could be investigators looking for information to use against you.
  • Delete your posts: Deleting posts might be viewed as spoliation of evidence, which means destroying or altering evidence relevant to a legal proceeding.
  • Discuss the case: Avoid discussing any details of legal proceedings, insurance claims, or interactions with lawyers.
  • Make contradictory posts: Do not post anything that could be interpreted as contradicting your claims. For example, if you claim to be injured, avoid posting photos of physically demanding activities.
  • Post photos or check-ins: Do not post photos or check-ins that might suggest your injuries are not as serious as you’ve claimed.
  • Share accident-related details: Do not share any details about the accident, your injuries, or your recovery process. This includes photos, status updates, and comments.
  • Vent your frustrations: Avoid venting frustrations or emotions about the accident, the parties involved, or the legal process online.

Following these guidelines can help protect your interests and ensure that your social media activity does not negatively impact your case.

What are the personal repercussions of posting about my accident on social media?

There can be significant personal repercussions related to posting about your car accident on social media. Here are some key considerations:

  • Distraction: Constant engagement with social media can distract you from focusing on your physical and emotional recovery.
  • Employment risks: Employers may view public discussions of your accident negatively, potentially impacting your job security or professional reputation.
  • Financial impact: Misinterpretations of your posts can lead to reduced compensation or denial of claims.
  • Increased anxiety: Sharing updates and responding to comments can increase anxiety and prolong the emotional impact of the accident.
  • Personal well-being: Posting in a heightened emotional state can lead to regrettable statements used against you. Keeping stressful legal matters private can help you avoid additional stress.
  • Privacy concerns: Sharing accident details can expose you to risks associated with sharing location details and personal information and make you vulnerable to identity theft.

Instead of oversharing on social media, rely on face-to-face interactions and private communications for support and advice.

At Smith McBroom, we understand the overwhelming impact that a car accident can have on your life. Whether you’re dealing with injuries, property damage, or the emotional aftermath, navigating the legal complexities of a car accident can be devastating, potentially leading you to overshare on social media. Our dedicated team of Seattle car accident attorneys is here to listen to your concerns, guide you through the process, advocate for your rights, and help you secure the compensation you deserve. Call us in Seattle or fill out our contact form to set up your no-cost, risk-free initial consultation today. We want to help.