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Seattle traumatic brain injury lawyers

Seattle Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

Legal assistance with head and brain injury claims from experienced Seattle-area attorneys

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are among the most severe injuries one can suffer in an accident. You may lose cognitive ability, the ability to function as you once did, experience a decrease in enjoyment of life, or anxiety and depression or other mood changes. You may need to see a variety of specialists and therapists for your injury. This is why it’s not a surprise that, for many TBI patients, life after the accident is never the same. At Smith McBroom in Seattle, our traumatic brain injury attorneys advocate for TBI patients after they’ve suffered this type of life-altering injury.

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What is a traumatic brain injury?

The National Institute of Health describes a TBI:

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be caused by a forceful bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, or from an object that pierces the skull and enters the brain. Not all blows or jolts to the head result in a TBI.

Some types of TBI can cause temporary or short-term problems with normal brain function, including problems with how the person thinks, understands, moves, communicates, and acts. More serious TBI can lead to severe and permanent disability, and even death.

Some injuries are considered primary, meaning the damage is immediate. Other outcomes of TBI can be secondary, meaning they can occur gradually over the course of hours, days, or appear weeks later. These secondary brain injuries are the result of reactive processes that occur after the initial head trauma.

TBIs can be penetrating (also called open TBI) and non-penetrating (also called closed TBI). Some accidents can cause a person to suffer both types at the same time. Many TBIs are also considered to be catastrophic injuries.

What are the symptoms of traumatic brain injury?

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a wide range of symptoms, and they can vary depending on the severity of the injury. Symptoms may appear immediately after the injury or develop over time. Here are common symptoms associated with traumatic brain injuries.

Mild TBI (sometimes called concussion)

  • Headache. Persistent or recurrent headaches are a common symptom of a mild TBI.
  • Confusion or disorientation. Momentary confusion about surroundings, events, or time is typical.
  • Memory loss. Short-term memory loss, especially surrounding the time of the injury.
  • Nausea or vomiting. Feeling nauseous or vomiting may occur, especially shortly after the injury.
  • Dizziness or balance issues. Difficulty maintaining balance and coordination.
  • Sensitivity to light and noise. Increased sensitivity to light and noise is common.
  • Mood changes. Irritability, mood swings, and changes in emotional reactions.
  • Lack of energy. Unusual tiredness or lack of energy.

Moderate to severe TBI

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, moderate to severe traumatic brain injury can involve:

  • Loss of consciousness. Loss of consciousness for an extended period, ranging from minutes to hours.
  • Persistent headache. Severe and persistent headaches that may worsen over time.
  • Seizures. Some individuals may experience seizures.
  • Dilated pupils. Unequal or dilated pupils may indicate brain injury.
  • Fluid drainage. Clear fluid draining from the nose or ears may suggest a skull fracture.
  • Weakness or numbness. Weakness or numbness in fingers and toes or on one side of the body.
  • Coordination issues. Difficulty coordinating movements and maintaining balance.
  • Profound confusion. Prolonged confusion, agitation, or combativeness.
  • Slurred speech. Difficulty speaking clearly or coherently.
  • Coma. In severe cases, individuals may enter a coma, which can last for an extended period.

It's essential to seek medical attention promptly if a traumatic brain injury is suspected, even if symptoms seem mild. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly affect the outcome and recovery process. If you or someone you know has experienced a head injury and is exhibiting symptoms of TBI, consult with a healthcare professional immediately for a thorough evaluation.

How do traumatic brain injuries happen?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can occur as a result of various accidents or incidents that involve a sudden blow or jolt to the head, leading to damage in the brain tissue. One common cause of TBIs is motor vehicle accidents. In car accidents, individuals may experience a direct impact to the head, such as hitting the steering wheel or windshield, or a rapid deceleration that causes the brain to collide with the skull. The force involved in these accidents can result in a range of traumatic brain injuries, from mild concussions to severe and life-altering damage.

Sports-related activities also contribute to a significant number of traumatic brain injuries, even in children. High-impact sports like football, soccer, and boxing expose participants to the risk of collisions, falls, or impacts that can cause concussions or more severe forms of brain injury. Even seemingly minor incidents, such as a fall on the playing field, can lead to head trauma with consequences for brain function.

Assaults and acts of violence can also lead to traumatic brain injuries. Physical altercations, blows to the head, or intentional harm can cause significant damage to the brain tissue. In these cases, both the immediate impact and the potential long-term consequences need to be addressed, often involving criminal and civil legal proceedings.

Additionally, falls, especially among the elderly population, are a common cause of traumatic brain injuries. Slip-and-fall accidents, particularly in hazardous environments, can result in head trauma that may be more severe for older individuals, whose brains may be more vulnerable due to age-related factors.

Industries involving construction or heavy machinery pose another risk for traumatic brain injuries. Falls from heights, being struck by falling objects, or being involved in machinery accidents can result in head injuries. Employers are responsible for implementing safety measures to reduce the risk of such accidents, but when precautions are not taken, workers may be vulnerable to TBIs.

It's important to note that the causes of traumatic brain injuries are diverse and can include a wide variety of accidents. Understanding the specific circumstances surrounding the injury is crucial in determining liability, seeking appropriate medical care, and pursuing legal recourse if the injury was the result of someone else's negligence or intentional actions.

How are traumatic brain injuries treated?

The treatment of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) varies depending on the severity of the injury. It's important for individuals who have sustained a head injury to seek prompt medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

In the immediate aftermath of a traumatic brain injury, emergency medical care is priority number one. This may involve stabilizing the patient, addressing any life-threatening conditions, and ensuring proper oxygen supply to the brain. At the scene, emergency medical personnel will assess the severity of the injury and, if necessary, transport the individual to a hospital for further evaluation.

To assess the extent of the traumatic brain injury, diagnostic imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs may be performed. These tests help identify any bleeding, swelling, or structural damage to the brain, guiding the medical team in determining the appropriate course of treatment.

  • For mild TBIs, including concussions, rest and a gradual return to normal activities are often recommended. This may involve a period of cognitive and physical rest to allow the brain to heal. As symptoms improve, individuals can gradually resume daily activities, including work and exercise.Medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms such as pain, headaches, or nausea. In some cases, medications may be used to address specific issues related to the brain injury, such as seizures or mood disturbances.
  • For moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries, rehabilitation therapy is often a crucial component of the treatment plan. This may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to help individuals regain lost abilities and improve overall functioning.Traumatic brain injuries can also have significant psychological and emotional impacts. Counseling and psychological support may be recommended to help individuals cope with the emotional challenges, mood changes, or cognitive difficulties that can arise as a result of the injury.
  • In cases of severe traumatic brain injuries with structural damage, surgery may be necessary to address bleeding, remove hematomas (blood clots), or repair damaged brain tissue. Surgical interventions aim to minimize further damage and promote recovery.Individuals with severe traumatic brain injuries may require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, and long-term support. This may involve assistance with daily activities, home modifications, and adaptive technologies to improve quality of life.

Regular follow-up appointments with TBI specialists and healthcare providers are essential to monitor progress, address any emerging issues, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

It's important to note that the treatment approach for traumatic brain injuries is highly individualized, and the specific interventions depend on the unique circumstances of your case.

Smith McBroom, PLLC

What is the value of my Seattle traumatic brain injury claim?

Determining the value of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) claim is a complex process that depends on various factors unique to your case. It's essential to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can thoroughly evaluate the details of your situation. Here are some of the key considerations that make up the potential value of a TBI claim:

  • Medical expenses. The cost of past and future medical treatment for your traumatic brain injury is a significant factor. This includes expenses for hospitalization, surgeries, rehabilitation, therapy, medications, and any necessary assistive devices.
  • Lost wages and earning capacity. If your TBI has resulted in lost wages due to missed work or if it affects your ability to earn income in the future, these financial losses will be considered in the claim. This may involve assessing the impact of the injury on your current and future earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering. Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, are subjective but critical components of a TBI claim. Quantifying these damages often involves legal and medical assessments. Our attorneys can help with this.
  • Long-term care and future expenses. If your traumatic brain injury requires ongoing care or if the TBI will cause you to incur future medical expenses, these costs will be factored into the valuation of your claim.

To get a more accurate estimate tailored to your specific situation, consult with a Seattle-area personal injury lawyer from Smith McBroom. Our experienced attorneys can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your case and guide you through the legal process, helping you understand the potential value of your traumatic brain injury claim.

Do you have a Seattle traumatic brain injury attorney near me?

Smith McBroom is located at 16400 Southcenter Parkway, Suite #210, Seattle, Washington, 98188. We’re right off I-5 and I-405, near Southcenter Mall. There is a bus stop near our office, and we offer free on-site parking.

Traumatic brain injury attorneys serving Seattle and surrounding regions

If you or a loved one has experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI), the path to recovery can be challenging – both emotionally and financially. At Smith McBroom, we understand how to represent individuals who have suffered TBIs due to the negligence or intentional actions of others. Our team of experienced Seattle traumatic brain injury attorneys is dedicated to helping you navigate the legal complexities and seeking the compensation you deserve. To schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys, call our Tukwila-based offices or fill out our contact form today.

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