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Sexual assault at school

Seattle Sexual Assault and Abuse Lawyers – School Districts

Attorneys helping hold school districts in the Seattle area accountable for sexual abuse

At Smith McBroom, our Seattle school sexual abuse and assault lawyers recognize the profound impact that sexual abuse within educational institutions can have on the lives of victims and their families. Our experienced team of attorneys is committed to seeking justice and accountability for survivors of sexual abuse. We have a deep understanding of the legal complexities involved in these types of cases, and we’re here to advocate for the rights of those who have suffered harm, ensuring that school districts are held responsible for their duty to provide a safe and secure learning environment.

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Call 206-677-5941 now or fill out the form above to receive a free, confidential consultation.

How can your Seattle lawyers help with my school sexual assault claim?

Our legal team can be a valuable asset in navigating your school sexual assault claim, offering support and guidance through a complex and emotionally challenging process. Here are some ways we can help:

  • Your lawyer can explain your rights under Title IX, a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education, including sexual assault. We can also advise you on the school's internal grievance procedures and how to navigate them effectively.
  • Depending on the circumstances, your lawyer can discuss the possibility of pursuing criminal charges against the perpetrator and the potential impact on your case.
  • You may have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against the perpetrator or the school for damages related to the assault. At Smith McBroom, we can assess the viability of such a lawsuit and explain the potential benefits and risks.
  • Your lawyer can help you gather and preserve evidence related to the assault, such as medical records, police reports, witness statements, and any electronic communication with the perpetrator. This evidence can help in supporting your claim.
  • Your lawyer can communicate with the school on your behalf, ensuring that your rights are protected and that the school follows its own policies and procedures fairly. They can also help negotiate a resolution with the school that addresses your needs.
  • Navigating a sexual assault claim can be emotionally draining. Your lawyer can provide you with emotional support and act as your advocate throughout the process. We can also connect you with other resources, such as therapists or support groups, that can help you cope with the trauma.
  • If you choose to pursue a legal resolution, your lawyer can negotiate a settlement with the perpetrator or the school or represent you in court if necessary. We will handle all legal aspects of your case, allowing you to focus on your healing.

Who is responsible when sexual assault happens at school?

When our children go to school, we put our trust in the institution to keep them safe. Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for all children. If they fail in this responsibility, our Seattle sexual assault and abuse attorneys can help you seek compensation for your or your child’s injuries. We work to hold the following entities responsible when sexual assault happens at school:

  • School districts. The school district may be held responsible for the actions of its employees, including teachers, administrators, and other staff members. If the assault occurred on school property or during a school-related activity, the district may be liable for failing to provide a safe environment.
  • School officials and administrators. Individuals in positions of authority within the school, such as principals or superintendents, may be held accountable if they were aware of the risk of sexual assault, failed to take appropriate preventive measures, or did not respond effectively to reports of abuse.
  • Teachers and staff. If a teacher or staff member is the perpetrator of the sexual assault, the school district may be held responsible for their actions. Additionally, if school employees were aware of the abuse and did not take appropriate action, they may be individually liable.
  • Third parties. In some cases, third parties such as contractors, event organizers, or volunteers may also be held responsible if their actions or negligence contributed to the occurrence of sexual assault.

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, schools that receive federal funding are obligated to address and remedy incidents of sexual harassment and assault. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences and loss of federal funding.

Determining responsibility in a sexual assault case at a school is complex, and it often requires a thorough investigation. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault at school, talk with the experienced Seattle school sexual abuse attorneys at Smith McBroom to understand your rights and explore potential avenues for seeking justice and compensation.

Smith McBroom, PLLC

What types of school sex abuse cases does your Seattle firm handle?

Our lawyers handle a variety of sexual abuse cases related to schools, including both public and private K-12 institutions. We also help clients with cases involving:

  • Daycares and preschools
  • Colleges and universities
  • Youth sport programs
  • Religious schools
  • Summer/day camps

Talk to us today about your case. Our Seattle attorneys are here to help.

How do I know if I have a case against the school district?

You may be eligible to pursue a civil legal action if:

  • You or your minor child experienced sexual abuse perpetrated by a teacher or school employee.
  • The abuse took place within the context of any public or private educational program at any point in the past.

Smith McBroom’s school sexual abuse attorneys are dedicated to representing survivors in civil lawsuits designed to hold educational institutions accountable when they fail to prevent abuse by staff members and safeguard students. These civil claims operate independently of any criminal proceedings related to the abuse and specifically aim to establish the institution’s liability for damages. This means that you may still have a valid claim even under the following circumstances:

  • Your abuser is no longer alive.
  • Your abuser was never charged or convicted of a crime.

What is the value of my Seattle school sexual assault claim?

Determining the value of a Seattle school sexual assault claim is a complex process that depends on various factors specific to your case. The value can vary based on the severity of the assault, the resulting damages, and other relevant considerations. Here are some factors that may influence the value of your claim:

  • Costs related to medical treatment, therapy, and counseling.
  • Compensation for income lost due to the assault and its aftermath.
  • Non-economic damages for physical and emotional pain, mental anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.
  • The extent of physical and emotional harm caused by the assault.
  • Ongoing medical treatment, therapy, and psychological impact.
  • The outcome of any criminal proceedings against the perpetrator may impact the civil claim.
  • The degree of liability on the part of the school district for failing to prevent or address the assault.

Keep in mind that the compensation sought in a sexual assault claim is not only about financial reimbursement but also about seeking justice, accountability, and closure. Our Seattle lawyers can guide you through the process, advocating for your rights and helping you make informed decisions about your case.

Do you have a Seattle school sexual assault attorney near me?

Smith McBroom is located at 16400 Southcenter Parkway, Suite #210, Seattle, Washington, 98188. We’re right off I-5 and I-405, near Southcenter Mall. There is a bus stop near our office, and we offer free on-site parking.

Talk to our Seattle school sexual assault lawyers today

If you or a loved one has been a victim of sexual assault within the school system, it's time to take action. At Smith McBroom, our dedicated team of Seattle school sexual assault attorneys is here to stand by your side, providing the legal support and advocacy you deserve. Your voice matters, and we are committed to holding schools accountable for their failure to protect students. Let us help you seek justice, obtain compensation for damages, and work towards creating safer educational environments for all. Your rights matter, and we are here to fight for them. To schedule a meeting with one of our dedicated attorneys, call our Tukwila-based offices or fill out our contact form today.