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Class action lawsuits in WA

Seattle Class Action Litigation Lawyers

Seattle litigation attorneys holding corporations accountable

At Smith McBroom, we recognize the transformative power of collective action when individuals unite against corporate wrongdoing, environmental harm, or other widespread injustices. Our seasoned team of Seattle class action litigation lawyers are experienced in navigating the complexities of class action litigation, working to ensure that every voice is heard and every right is defended. Whether you're seeking help for consumer rights violations, government benefits, or mass torts, our Seattle attorneys are equipped with the knowledge, determination, and skills needed to help bring about meaningful change.

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What are class action lawsuits?

A class action lawsuit is a legal action brought by a representative plaintiff or a group of plaintiffs (known as the class) on behalf of a larger group of individuals who share common legal issues. This legal mechanism is often employed when a large number of people have suffered similar harm or have similar legal claims against a common defendant or group of defendants. The primary purpose of a class action is to streamline the legal process and provide an efficient means for resolving disputes involving numerous plaintiffs with similar grievances.

Class actions can be brought in federal court under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) Rule 23 or in state courts depending on the basis for the claim.

What can a class action lawsuit do?

A class action lawsuit can serve several important purposes, providing a way for individuals with similar legal claims to address common issues collectively. Here are some key benefits of class action lawsuits:

  • Efficiency. A class action allows multiple individual claims to be consolidated into a single lawsuit. This streamlines the legal process and avoids the need for numerous separate lawsuits.
  • Representation of numerous plaintiffs. Class actions provide a means for many individuals, who might not have the resources or inclination to file individual lawsuits, to pursue legal action collectively. This ensures that even those with relatively small claims can seek justice.
  • Notice to class members. Class members are typically notified of the lawsuit, giving them the opportunity to participate in the action or opt out if they wish to pursue individual legal action separately. Individuals who do not wish to be bound by the outcome of the class action may choose to opt out and pursue their own legal remedies.
  • Holding wrongdoers accountable. Class actions can hold corporations, organizations, or entities accountable for widespread harm or wrongdoing. By aggregating claims, class actions create a more powerful force for change and deter future misconduct.
  • Consistent outcomes. Class actions aim to provide uniform outcomes for all class members. This prevents variations in judgments that might arise from separate individual lawsuits.
  • Compensation for damages. Successful class actions can result in monetary compensation for class members who have suffered harm, whether it be financial losses, product defects, or other personal injuries.
  • Injunctive relief. In addition to monetary awards, class actions can seek injunctive relief, such as changes in business practices, product recalls, or other remedies that address the underlying issues.
  • Resource conservation. Class actions can be more efficient for both the court system and the parties involved, conserving resources and reducing the burden on the legal system.

While class actions offer numerous advantages, it's important to note that they may not be suitable for every legal dispute, and the certification of a class is subject to specific legal criteria. Class members should carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of participating in a class action based on the specific circumstances of their claims. Our Seattle class action attorneys work with you to determine the best way to move forward with your claim.

Smith McBroom, PLLC

Who can file a class action lawsuit?

The initiation of a class action lawsuit typically begins with the identification of one or more representative plaintiffs, who undertake the responsibility of advocating for the interests of a larger group, known as the “class.” These representative plaintiffs present a unified front and ensure that the legal action is representative of the entire class.

Before a class action can proceed, the court must grant class certification, a step involving an evaluation of specific criteria. These criteria include the size of the class (whether it is large enough to warrant class treatment), the legal or factual issues that are central to the case, the claims represented by the lead plaintiff(s), and the adequacy of representation. Typically, the representative plaintiff(s) seek class certification early in the legal process.

One of the key prerequisites for a class action is the common legal or factual issues that bind the entire class together. These issues usually revolve around the alleged wrongdoing or harm inflicted by the defendant, affecting all class members similarly.

In addition to commonality, the court assesses whether the class is large enough to make individual lawsuits impractical. There is no fixed minimum number of class members required, so the court considers whether the size of the class justifies the efficiency gained by consolidating claims into a single lawsuit.

Once a class is certified, class members are generally represented by the same legal counsel. This ensures a cohesive and coordinated approach to the litigation, with efficiency and consistency in legal strategies.

Notification is then provided to potential class members, informing them of the lawsuit and their inclusion in the class. Importantly, class members typically retain the right to opt out of the class action if they prefer to pursue individual legal action.

Remember, the decision to file a class action lawsuit involves many strategic considerations and legal nuances. Individuals contemplating the initiation or joining of a class action should consult with Seattle class action lawyers like those at Smith McBroom to assess the viability of their case, understand the requirements for certification, and work through the complexities of class action litigation.

What are the pros and cons of class action lawsuits?

Class action lawsuits can be a powerful tool for holding companies accountable and providing compensation to wronged individuals, but they also have drawbacks to consider. Here's a breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Lower litigation costs: Sharing attorney fees and expenses across a large group makes it feasible to pursue claims that might not be practical for many individuals.
  • Greater access to justice: Individuals with small claims may not have the resources to sue alone, but a class action allows them to band together and have a collective voice.
  • Deterrence of wrongdoing: Large settlements or judgments can encourage companies to reform their practices and prevent future harm.
  • Judicial efficiency: Combining similar claims into one case reduces court congestion and saves time and resources.
  • Uniformity of outcome: All class members receive the same outcome, preventing inconsistencies and potential exploitation.


  • Limited individual control: Class members have less control over the proceedings compared to individual lawsuits. They cannot directly influence decisions like settlements or trial strategy.
  • Smaller individual recoveries: In large classes, individual payouts may be on the lower side.
  • Lengthy process: Class action lawsuits can take years to resolve, requiring patience and dedication from participants.
  • Lack of individual attention: Class members may feel their specific circumstances are not adequately addressed due to the focus on broader legal issues.
  • Settlement pressure: Defendants may offer less favorable settlements to avoid the risks and costs of a full trial.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to participate in a class action lawsuit depends on the specific circumstances of the case and your personal priorities. Carefully weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.

Consulting with our Seattle attorneys who are familiar with class action lawsuits can help you understand your options and make an informed decision.

Do you have a Seattle class action litigation attorney near me?

Smith McBroom is located at 16400 Southcenter Parkway, Suite #210, Seattle, Washington, 98188. We’re right off I-5 and I-405 near Southcenter Mall. There is a bus stop near our office, and we offer free on-site parking.

Talk to our Seattle attorneys today to hold corporations accountable for their actions

As seasoned Seattle class action lawsuit attorneys, we specialize in turning shared grievances into powerful legal actions. If you're ready to stand up against injustice, discrimination, or corporate misconduct, the dedicated team at Smith McBroom is here to guide you through the process. Together, we can harness the strength of collective power to hold wrongdoers accountable and secure justice for you and others who have suffered similarly. Your story deserves to be heard, and your rights deserve skilled representation. To schedule a consultation today, call our offices or fill out our contact form.