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Seattle Paralysis Lawyers

Strong advocacy when drivers, doctors, property owners, and others cause paralysis injuries in Washington

Paralysis of any part of the body is devastating. Paralysis affects an accident victim’s happiness, ability to perform daily living tasks, ability to earn an income, and other physical and social activities. Generally, paralysis is not curable. With a lot of medical and social help, people in Seattle who are paralyzed can learn to function, live, love, and work. At Smith McBroom, our personal injury lawyers are skilled at holding the people and businesses responsible for your paralysis (or the paralysis of a loved one) accountable for medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages. We’ve helped many catastrophic injury victims obtain strong verdicts and settlements so they can restart their lives.

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What are the different types of paralysis?

Paralysis is a catastrophic injury that usually requires a lifetime of medical care and changes every aspect of a victim’s life. The Cleveland Clinic defines paralysis as the inability to make voluntary muscle movements. Paralysis is caused by damage to the nervous system. When nerves are healthy, they signal the muscles to make the muscles move. When nerves are damaged, they can prevent the movement of those muscles. About one in 50 Americans have some type of paralysis.

Paralysis is normally categorized as follows:

  • Permanent paralysis is permanent and irreversible. Temporary paralysis allows for some ability for the nerves to become healthy again. A common type of temporary paralysis is Bell’s palsy.
  • Partial paralysis means a Seattle accident victim can control some, but not all, muscles. Complete paralysis means the victim cannot control his/her muscles.
  • Flaccid paralysis means the muscles shrink and become flabby. Spastic paralysis means the muscles tighten, which can cause spasms and uncontrollable jerks.
  • Local paralysis affects just a section of the body such as the vocal cords, hands, feet, and/or face.
  • Generalized paralysis (a large part of the body is affected) is categorized as:
    • Diplegia. The same area on both sides of the body is paralyzed such as both arms, both legs, or both sides of the face.
    • Hemiplegia. Just one side of the body is paralyzed.
    • Monoplegia. The victims can’t move an arm and/or a leg.
    • Paraplegia. Both legs and possibly the torso are paralyzed.
    • Quadriplegia (also called tetraplegia). All limbs are paralyzed. Generally, a quadriplegic has no movement from the neck down.

Why do people become paralyzed in Seattle?

The causes of paralysis include:

Other causes may involve neurological defects, autoimmune diseases (such as multiple sclerosis), and other medical disorders.

The symptoms of paralysis include a loss of muscle control, loss of sensation, muscle cramps, and numbness or tingling of the limbs.

Who is responsible if I or someone I love becomes paralyzed?

At Smith McBroom, we work with accident victims and their families, investigators, the police, product safety experts, physicians, and many other people to show why an accident victim became paralyzed and who is responsible. We conduct extensive discovery (written questions, oral questions, and requests for documentation) to also show why a Seattle accident victim became paralyzed and who is responsible.

The defendants vary depending on how the accident happened. Defendants may include:

How is paralysis diagnosed?

The Cleveland Clinic states that these tests are used to analyze the type and severity of any paralysis:

  • X-rays. These imaging tests are used to detect fractures that could cause nerve damage.
  • CT scans and MRIs. These imaging tests look for the signs of a spinal cord injury, stroke, or brain injury. These tests can show a person’s muscles, bones, and tissues.
  • Myelogram. This test looks for spinal cord damage and nerve injuries.
  • Electromyogram (EMG). This test analyzes the electrical activity of an accident victim’s nerves and muscles.
  • Spinal tap. The procedure (called a lumbar puncture) tests the victim’s spinal fluid for signs of inflammation, infection, and diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS).

Are there treatments for paralysis?

Paralysis can make it difficult to breathe or for the heart to work. Other possible complications include pneumonia, coughing, blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, swallowing problems, speech difficulties, anxiety, depression, high (or low) blood pressure, loss of bowel and bladder control, bedsores, and sepsis.

Generally, there is no cure for permanent paralysis. The treatments include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and mental health therapy.

Assistive devices and technology may help victims live independent lives. Some devices/technology help victims drive and feed themselves. Assistive equipment (scooters, wheelchairs, canes, and crutches) can help with mobility. Prosthetic/orthotic devices may help. Voice-activated technology can help paralysis victims work with computers and communication.

Researchers are working with spinal cord stimulators and other technology that may provide some help and some hope for the future.

Most paralysis victims benefit from speaking with psychologists. Both victims and families can benefit from local support groups.

What is the value of my Seattle paralysis claim?

Our Seattle paralysis lawyers work with your doctors, such as neurologists, to fully understand the severity of your injuries, the full range of medical care you’ll need, the cost of your care, and all the limitations you’ll have due to your paralysis.

Smith McBroom focuses on all the small details that often lead to large verdicts and settlements. We demand compensation for a paralysis victim’s current and future:

  • Medical bills, including ER care, hospitalizations, surgeries, rehabilitative therapy, emotional therapy, assistive devices and technology, and medications
  • Physical pain and emotional suffering for every day of the victims’ life
  • Loss of income and benefits, including permanent disability compensation
  • Loss of bodily function
  • Loss of life’s pleasures
  • Loss of consortium (marital enjoyment)
  • Property damage

We seek punitive damages if the paralysis was due to unconscionable misconduct, such as when a drunk driver causes an accident leading to paralysis.

Do you have a Seattle paralysis lawyer near me?

Smith McBroom represents paralysis patients and families at our Seattle office at 16400 Southcenter Parkway Suite 210. If you can’t come to our office, we will arrange to see you at your home or a healthcare facility. We also discuss cases by phone and through online conferences.

We understand how devastating a paralysis diagnosis is. We’ll answer all your questions and fight for all the compensation you deserve.

Talk with a respected Seattle paralysis injury lawyer today

Catastrophic injuries are life changing. They affect the victim and every person who loves the victim. At Smith McBroom, our lawyers understand the unique challenges involved in representing paralysis victims. We’re skilled at showing who is responsible and why they’re responsible. Our Seattle paralysis lawyers are respected by former clients, insurance companies, and the legal community for our compassionate dedication to our clients and our record of strong recoveries. We fight to help catastrophic injury victims have hope and the medical care they need for the future. Please call us or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation. We represent paralysis victims in Tukwila, Seattle, and across Washington state.