PTSD From Car Accidents

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that can occur when an individual has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event like a car accident. PTSD is characterized by a variety of symptoms that can significantly impact daily functioning and quality of life. Can I experience PTSD after an injury? How common is it?…

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Steps to Take Immediately After a Serious Collision

A serious car wreck is one of the most frightening things you can experience. Remaining calm and collected in the moments after a crash can be difficult, with your adrenaline pumping and the mixture of emotions that are likely running through your head. Yet it’s also the single most important thing you can do to…

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Who Is Liable in Self-Driving Car Wrecks? What You Need to Know

As autonomous vehicles become an increasing presence on Washington’s roadways, the number of collisions involving self-driving cars is bound to rise. Unfortunately, the regulations surrounding self-driving cars are in a state of flux as the technology develops and autonomous vehicle manufacturers continue to test and modify their cars. This situation makes the question of liability…

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Blunt Force Trauma in Motor Vehicle Accidents

After a motorcycle accident, car accident, or even a truck accident, there is a strong possibility you suffered some type of blunt force trauma. These injuries may not have a lot of physical symptoms, but they are profoundly serious, and can lead to long-lasting or even permanent consequences. If severe enough, they can cause paralysis,…

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