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Seattle Lawyers for Sexual Abuse by Youth Organizations Claims

Experienced advocacy for parents and children when youth organizations in Washington fail to protect children

People who participate in and run Seattle youth organizations need to ensure the safety of their participants from any type of sexual assault or abuse. The damage from sexual abuse by older counselors and supervisors can be crushing. Many children never fully recover emotionally. Some never recover physically. To hold the abusers and the organizations that should have prevented the abuse accountable, call Smith McBroom today. Our Seattle personal injury lawyers understand how to fight for any child who is sexually assaulted or abused while participating in a youth organization.

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Call 206-677-5941 now or fill out the form above to receive a free, confidential consultation.

How safe are children who participate in youth activities?, a pediatrician website, states childhood sexual abuse affects the way children act, think, and feel for the rest of their lives. The consequences of child sexual abuse include substance abuse, PTSD, obesity, cancer, heart disease, and depression.

Children who are sexually abused often delay informing their parents – if they tell their parents at all. Many times, the signs of sexual abuse of children go undetected by parents.

Some signs your child may have been sexually abused include:

  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Difficulties in school
  • Anger
  • Nightmares and fears
  • Avoidance of some adults
  • Sexually transmitted infections

Parents should encourage their children to discuss their anxieties and concerns without judging them. The abuser is likely to tell the children not to tell anyone about the abuse. Some acts of sexual abuse can last for months or years.

Which youth organizations can be held responsible for sexual abuse in Seattle?

At Smith McBroom, we represent youths who participate in all types of school, community, and social organizations, including:

  • Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
  • The YMCA
  • Church programs
  • School and community programs in athletics, dance, music, theater, nature, cheerleading, and other related activities
  • After-school programs

In just one example of the scope of the problem, the Boy Scouts of America was forced to file Chapter 11 and settle the claims of 80,000 men for $2.46 billion. The value of the individual claims ranges from $3,500 to $2.7 million.

How do you advocate for the victims of youth organization sexual abuse in Seattle?

Our Seattle sexual abuse lawyers hold the individual abuser and youth organizations accountable for failing to protect children. We begin by reviewing your child’s medical care. We want to ensure your child is receiving care for any physical injuries and is also receiving psychological help for the emotional injuries.

Our team formally questions and investigates everyone involved in the oversight of your child, including:

  • Anyone with the authority to hire and fire the abuser
  • Anyone who was aware or should have been aware of the abuse
  • Anyone with the authority to establish policies and procedures to prevent and monitor how adult youth organization members and supervisors interacted with your child

Responsible defendants may include:

  • The person who committed the sexual abuse
  • The supervisors and manager of the youth organization
  • The youth organization
  • Any person with a mandatory duty to report any suspicions of knowledge of sexual abuse and failed to do so
  • The national leaders of the youth organization
  • The owners of the property where the abuse occurred
  • School districts and staff if they were involved in the youth organization activity

Many times, multiple children are being abused, which means there are likely to be multiple claimants. We’ll coordinate your claim with the other claimants. We’ll also work with prosecutors if any criminal charges are filed.

What is the value of my child’s sexual abuse claim in Washington?

Our sexual abuse lawyers have helped many victims of sexual abuse obtain strong recoveries, including a $7.6 million recovery for a disabled person who was sexually abused.

Many factors must be considered when placing a value on your child’s sexual abuse claim. At Smith McBroom, we’re skilled at understanding every factor that affects every aspect of your child’s life, including their immediate needs and their lifetime needs.

We demand compensation for your child’s current and future:

  • Medical expenses, including emergency care, surgeries and hospitalizations, rehabilitative care, and medications. The expenses also include psychological help, which many sexual abuse victims need for the rest of their lives.
  • The physical pain and emotional abuse for each day of your child’s life.
  • The inability to enjoy life’s pleasures including the struggles to develop mature relationships.
  • Any income loss due to the inability to work or earn a living caused by sexual abuse.

We also seek punitive damages against the abuser, and when a youth organization’s conduct is unconscionable, we demand that the organization (and other responsible parties) pay punitive damages too.

You can make only one settlement or obtain one jury verdict. Our Seattle sexual abuse lawyers work with your doctors to fully understand your long-term injuries. We seek to obtain the full compensation you deserve along with the justice you deserve.

Do you have a Seattle sexual abuse lawyer near me?

Smith McBroom consults with parents and children at our Seattle office at 16400 Southcenter Parkway Suite 210. If your child is too emotionally upset, we do meet clients away from the office when necessary. Our lawyers also discuss cases by phone and through online consultations.

Our team has the experience and resources to help young victims of sexual abuse. We’ll help your child assert his/her rights and protect their future.

Seattle lawyers holding youth organizations accountable for abuse

Children should never have to deal with the reality that people can be cruel. At Smith McBroom, our Seattle sexual abuse lawyers hold adults, youth organizations, and the people who run youth organizations accountable for ending a child’s dreams. Please call us or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation. We fight for children and parents. We represent sexual abuse victims in Tukwila, Seattle, and across Washington state.