Steps to Take Immediately After a Serious Collision

Steps to Take After a Car AccidentA serious car wreck is one of the most frightening things you can experience. Remaining calm and collected in the moments after a crash can be difficult, with your adrenaline pumping and the mixture of emotions that are likely running through your head. Yet it’s also the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself.

With this in mind, here are the critical steps to take right after a Seattle car accident to preserve your physical safety, protect your health, and lay the groundwork for an insurance claim or the possibility of legal action.

Pull Over and Assess the Situation

Immediately after a severe collision, the first priority is to ensure everyone is safe. If possible, move your vehicle to the side of the road and out of harm’s way. Turn on your hazard lights to alert other motorists to the situation. Next, assess the condition of everyone involved in the accident and check yourself and others for injuries. If anyone is seriously hurt, don’t try to move them unless there is an immediate danger, such as a fire.

Call 911

Once you’ve assessed the situation and made sure everyone is safe, call 911. Provide the dispatcher with clear and accurate information about the location of the wreck, the vehicles involved, and the severity of injuries. This helps ensure that the dispatcher sends the appropriate emergency services, whether police, an ambulance, or the fire department. The police will also document the accident and create an official report, which will be helpful for insurance claims and any potential legal proceedings.

Exchange Information

While waiting for emergency services to reach the accident scene, exchange information with the other driver and anyone else involved. Make it a priority to collect their name, address, phone number, driver’s license number, license plate number, and insurance information. Also note the make, model, and color of all vehicles involved. This information is necessary for the insurance claims process. While exchanging information, do not discuss the wreck, admit fault, or attempt to assign blame. Stay calm and stick to the facts to prevent misunderstandings and protect your legal interests.

Document the Scene

Next, you should gather documentary evidence of the collision. Take pictures and videos of the vehicles, the road conditions (including slick pavement due to rain), any visible injuries, and the surrounding area. Try to capture multiple angles to get a comprehensive view of the crash scene. If there are any skid marks, road debris, or damaged property, document these as well. This documentary evidence will be valuable for insurance claims and legal proceedings, as it provides clear evidence of what occurred and can help to establish fault or causation.

Talk to Eyewitnesses

If anyone witnessed the collision, ask if they’ll provide their contact information and a brief statement about what they saw. Eyewitnesses can provide an impartial account of the accident, which can be beneficial if the cause of the collision is in dispute. Request their full name, phone number, and address and store that information somewhere safe. The testimony of witnesses can strengthen your case when dealing with insurance companies or in court, providing an additional layer of credibility to your account of the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

Regardless of how minor you believe your injuries might be, seek medical attention as soon as possible after the crash. Some injuries that may not display immediate symptoms can have serious and potentially life-threatening consequences if they aren’t addressed right away. A doctor will thoroughly document your injuries, protecting your health and safeguarding your legal interests. Follow the doctor’s treatment recommendations and keep records of all medical appointments, treatments, and expenses resulting from the accident, which will help demonstrate the impact of the accident on your health and bolster your compensation claim.

Call Your Insurance Company

Report the collision to your insurance company as soon as possible. Give them the information you gathered at the scene, sticking to the basic facts. Be cooperative, but be cautious about providing recorded statements without first consulting a personal injury lawyer. Promptly reporting the accident is usually necessary to meet the requirements of your policy and expedite the handling of your claim.

Avoid Social Media

While it may be tempting to post about the wreck on social media, doing so can severely compromise your claim if the other driver’s insurance company goes looking for ways to discredit your account of the accident. Don’t post about the accident or your injuries, and avoid any discussion of the events with anyone other than your lawyer.

Contact a Seattle Personal Injury Attorney

One of the most important things you can do after a serious collision is contact an experienced Seattle car accident lawyer. They will advise you on how to protect your rights and interests, especially if you suffered significant injuries or there’s a dispute around fault. Your lawyer will also manage the insurance claims process and, if necessary, any legal action resulting from the accident.

Contacting an attorney as soon as possible after a serious crash is in your best interest for several reasons. For starters, they can handle every aspect of the insurance claims process, including communicating with the insurance companies. Having a professional advocate provides substantial protection because it removes your risk of accidentally saying or doing something that might jeopardize your claim. Your lawyer will know how to work with the insurers in a way that protects your interests.

This carries over into the negotiation phase. Insurers are out to protect their profits and likely won’t offer the full compensation you deserve without considerable back-and-forth. Your attorney will be familiar with standard insurance company tactics designed to pay victims less and will know how to respond effectively. They will fight for total compensation on your behalf and are unafraid to take your case to court if the insurers don’t cooperate.

Finally, having an experienced Seattle personal injury lawyer in your corner provides much-needed peace of mind during a stressful time. You shouldn’t have to worry about the details of filing insurance claims at a time when you need to be focused on your physical health. Your lawyer will give you the time and space you need to recover while they manage the insurance and legal processes.

If your life was upended by a serious car wreck, you shouldn’t have to manage what comes next all by yourself. The team at Smith McBroom has served Seattle-area clients from their Tukwila office for over two decades, providing strong advocacy and support to injured people and their families and fighting for the compensation and justice they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. We look forward to discussing your situation and reviewing your legal options.